Knockback increased from 4 to 6.5.Many interesting and unique set bonuses also complement the additions, granting exciting new effects over boosted stats. Guide page names begin with 'Guide:', for. Any article of community value is welcome, be it just a study, an in depth comparison, or an otherwise interesting article. Note that these articles dont necessarily have to be in the form of a guide. Damage increased from 68 to 70. Thorium adds 65 new Armor Sets that find places throughout game progression to add flavor to gameplay, provide new options and increase the variety for different playstyles. Create a comprehensive set of articles to help players of all levels succeed in the Thorium Mod.Fixed terrarium orbs not inflicting Terrarium Backlash. Terraria is a land of adventure A land of mystery A land thats yours to shape, defend, and enjoy.The terrarium orbs will not grant any soul essence. It can be found in smaller quantities on Volcanic Primeval and Irradiated planets. New Weapons come in a variety of all shapes and sizes, filling up many niches and exploring new ones. It is abundant on Gelatinous and Ice Waste planets. Fabricator The Fabricator is the primary method of crafting in Barotrauma. Recipes Thorium can be used to craft the following items.
#Thorium gamepedia mod
Upon directly striking an enemy, the user will gain 2 stacks of Soul Essence. Thorium Mod Wiki 2,266 pages Explore navigation Items NPCs Portals Gamepedia in: Pages using DynamicPageList3 dplvar parser function, Weapon items Weapons Edit For a sortable list of every weapon in the game, see List of weapons. 1 Acquisition 2 Recipes 2.1 Fabricator 2.2 Medical Fabricator Acquisition Principally, Thorium can be acquired by purchasing it, or deconstructing other items, or mined minerals. Both the scythe itself and the orbs inflict the Terrarium Backlash debuff that is characteristic of all Terrarium Weapons onto enemies.
#Thorium gamepedia full
When swung, it will produce a double-edged scythe that spins in a full circle around the player, damaging enemies and releasing terrarium orb projectiles that orbit the player to deal additional damage and eventually close in on them. The Terrarium Holy Scythe is a Hardmode radiant weapon. Upon reaching 5 stacks of soul essence, you recover () health and () mana Releases damaging terrarium orbs all around you on use In descending order of rarity and value (rarest at the top): Introduced Onyx. They can also be placed on any side of a block after being mined. They can be found in the Underground and Cavern layers, with the exception of Pearls, which are found in the Aquatic Depths biome.
#Thorium gamepedia series
Rapidly spins a prismatic scythe all around you The Thorium Mod adds three new variants of Gems to the game. thorium (Th), radioactive chemical element of the actinoid series of the periodic table, atomic number 90 it is a useful nuclear reactor fuel.